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MA in Managing Educational Institutions (in Turkish)

Why Managing Educational Institutions at Ibn Haldun University?

Our goal in Managing Educational Institutions Graduate Program is to produce graduates who are skilled in both knowledge and leadership. Our mission is to cultivate leaders who understand where our strength lies in our current organization, and identify weaknesses to mend and repair. We aim at preparing leaders who would lead the organizations toward best practices that will create innovative, and effective systems of education that work for all students.

Our program is an exciting learning experience that combines academic work with practice. It represents a combination of knowledge, research, theory, and practice that prepares our students to lead schools, universities, and other educational organizations, to lead change, to lead people, and lead learning.

Our program presents students with the opportunity to meet and consult with some of the most distinguished practitioners and experts in the field. Through a flexible curriculum that balances theory, management skills, and research, you will explore issues like:

  • Best practice in 21st-century education
  • Leadership and relations in social-change organizations
  • Educational Management and Evaluation
  • Leading and fostering skilled teams
  • The use of data to improve teaching and learning
  • Innovation and Education

Acting Head of The Department:

Assist. Prof. Adem Yurdunkulu

Through a combination of theory, research, and practice, our Managing Educational Institutions Graduate Program is devoted to paving the way to positive societal change and to solving real educational problems. Our program includes an internship and mentoring component that allows our students to meet and work with experts in the field.

Program design:

  • Our program is two-year long with a thesis; with Turkish as the language of instruction.
  • The first year is devoted to completing course requirements, and the second year to thesis preparation based on original research, alongside an internship.
  • Internships are arranged in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, such as schools, and educational or advisory centers.

Our school prides itself on being multilingual and multicultural with a large population of international students.

I. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Eğitim Yönetimi Uygulamaları 3 0 3 8
EDU 514 Eğitimde Değişim Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
EDU… / … Program Seçmeli / Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
EDU… / … Program Seçmeli / Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 12 32
II. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 500 Seminer 3 0 0 5
EDU 502 Eğitim Politikaları 3 0 3 8
ISL 544 Yönetimde İnsan İlişkileri 3 0 3 8
EDU… /… Program Seçmeli / Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
EDU… /… Program Seçmeli / Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 12 37
III. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
IV. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
Overall Total Credit 24 129
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 500 Seminer 3 0 0 5
EDU 501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Eğitim Yönetimi Uygulamaları 3 0 3 8
EDU 502 Eğitim Politikaları 3 0 3 8
EDU 514 Eğitimde Değişim Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 544 Yönetimde İnsan İlişkileri 3 0 3 8
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
EDU 510 Örgüt Teorisi ve Öğrenen Organizasyonlar 3 0 3 8
EDU 512 Örgütsel Davranış 3 0 3 8
EDU 513 Yetenek Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
EDU 516 Nicel Metodoloji: İstatistik Araştırmaları 3 0 3 8
EDU 517 Nitel Metodoloji: Söylem Analizi 3 0 3 8
EDU 520 Eğitim Yönetiminde Güncel Konular 3 0 3 8
EDU 521 Eğitim Yönetiminde İyi Örnekler 3 0 3 8
EDU 522 Eğitimde Stratejik Yönetim 3 0 3 8
EDU 523 Öğrenme ve Öğretmeyi Geliştirme Aracı Olarak Ölçme ve Değerlendirme 3 0 3 8
EDU 524 Hayalindeki Okulu Kur 3 0 3 8
EDU 525 Özel Eğitim Politikaları ve Uygulamaları 3 0 3 8
EDU 526 Eğitim Ekonomisi 3 0 3 8
EDU 530 Yükseköğretimde Yaklaşımlar 3 0 3 8
EDU 531 Yükseköğretim Yönetiminde Güncel Konular 3 0 3 8
EDU 532 Yükseköğretimde Stratejik Planlama ve Yönetim 3 0 3 8
EDU 533 Yükseköğretimde Hukuki Konular 3 0 3 8
EDU 534 Yükseköğretimde Yönetişim ve Karar Verme 3 0 3 8
EDU 535 Yükseköğretimde Öğrenci İşleri 3 0 3 8
EDU 536 Yükseköğretimde Yenilikler 3 0 3 8
EDU 537 Yükseköğretimde Çeşitlilik ve Adalet 3 0 3 8
EDU 538 Misyon ve Para: Yükseköğretimde Kurumsal Gelişim 3 0 3 8
EDU 539 Pazarlama Yönetimi ve Halkla İlişkiler 3 0 3 8
EDU 540 Hayalindeki Üniversiteyi Kur 3 0 3 8
EDU 542 Eğitimde Risk Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
EDU 550 Okulların Yapısı ve İşleyişi 3 0 3 8
EDU 551 Kurum Kültürü ve İletişimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 546 Veriye Dayalı Yönetim 3 0 3 8
ISL 548 Yönetim Bilimleri ve Süreçleri 3 0 3 8
ISL 556 Adaptif Liderlik 3 0 3 8
CPSY 545 Montessori Eğitimi 3 0 3 8

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