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MA in History (in English)

The History MA

The History Master’s Program at IHU was approved by YÖK in 2022, and received its first crop of students in Fall 2023. In contrast to our Turkish or Middle East Studies MA Programs, MAHIST is relatively pure History, and basically aims at providing solid preparation for a History PhD. Thus (a) for Turkish citizens, it proposes to re-integrate their undergraduate knowledge of Ottoman and Turkish history by putting it in a universal, comparative context. (b) For international students from the Middle East, the rest of Asia or other Islamic countries, it offers a compact body of instruction in Ottoman and Turkish history which they may not be able to access in their own countries. (c) For international students from the West, and especially from the US or the UK, who may be in the process of pursuing PhD’s in Islamic, Middle Eastern, Turkish or Ottoman History in their own countries, it opens a window of opportunity involving spending two years in Istanbul and at IHU to take lots of specialized courses in all these fields, including their relevant research languages, for tuition fees and other living costs that are far lower than in Europe or America. 

Head of The Department:

Prof. Halil Berktay

Purposes of the Program:

The two-year History MA Program (with thesis) is set up in the following way:

  • 8 academic courses in all
    2 required courses, to be taken as 1+1 in the first year
    HIST 505 HIST 506

    6 departmental electives, without any sub-conditions
  • in addition, two YÖK-required seminars, also to be taken in the first year
    HIST 500 HIST 501

  • plus an MA thesis of around 70 pages (as a rough guideline), to be researched and written, in the framework of HIST 599, over the entire second year of the program

1. Semester
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
HIST 500 MA Pro-Seminar 3 0 0 3
HIST 505 World Historiography I 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 12 35
2. Semester
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
HIST 501 Academic Research Methods and Publication Ethics 3 0 3 3
HIST 506 World Historiography II 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
HIST … Elective Course 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 15 35
3. Semester
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
HIST 599 Master's Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
HIST 599 Master's Thesis 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
Overall Total Credit 27 130
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
HIST 500 MA Pro-Seminar 3 0 0 3
HIST 501 Academic Research Methods and Publication Ethics 3 0 3 3
HIST 505 World Historiography I 3 0 3 8
HIST 506 World Historiography II 3 0 3 8
Course Code Course Name T U K ECTS
Language Courses
ARA 501 C Basic Arabic I 1 4 3 5
ARA 502 C Basic Arabic II 1 4 3 5
ARA 503 C Intermediate Arabic I 1 4 3 5
ARA 504 C Intermediate Arabic II 1 4 3 5
ARA 507 C Intensive Basic Arabic 2 8 6 10
ARA 508 C Intensive Intermediate Arabic 2 8 6 10
PERS 501 C Basic Persian I 1 4 3 5
PERS 502 C Basic Persian II 1 4 3 5
PERS 503 C Intermediate Persian I 1 4 3 5
PERS 504 C Intermediate Persian II 1 4 3 5
PERS 507 C Intensive Basic Persian 2 8 6 10
PERS 508 C Intensive Intermediate Persian 2 8 6 10
TLL 501 C Basic Ottoman Turkish 1 4 3 5
TLL 502 C Intermediate Ottoman Turkish 1 4 3 5
TLL 503 C Advanced Ottoman Turkish I 1 4 3 5
TLL 504 C Advanced Ottoman Turkish II 1 4 3 5
TLL 505 C Ottoman Paleography and Diplomatica 1 4 3 5
TLL 506 C Advanced Readings in Ottoman Historical Texts 1 4 3 5
TLL 507 C Intensive Basic Ottoman Turkish 2 8 6 10
TLL 508 C Intensive Intermediate Ottoman Turkish 2 8 6 10
TUR 501 C Basic Modern Turkish I 1 4 3 5
TUR 502 C Basic Modern Turkish II 1 4 3 5
TUR 503 C Intermediate Modern Turkish I 1 4 3 5
TUR 504 C Intermediate Modern Turkish II 1 4 3 5
TUR 505 C Advanced Readings in Modern Turkish I 1 4 3 5
TUR 506 C Advanced Readings in Modern Turkish II 1 4 3 5
TUR 507 C Intensive Basic Modern Turkish 2 8 6 10
TUR 508 C Intensive Intermediate Modern Turkish 2 8 6 10
HIST 503 World History I 3 0 3 8
HIST 504 World History II 3 0 3 8
HIST 507 Readings in Historical Thought 3 0 3 8
HIST 508 Oral History 3 0 3 8
HIST 509 Introduction to Orientalism and Oriental Studies 3 0 3 8
HIST 511 Early Islamic History: A Survey (to AD 1100) 3 0 3 8
HIST 512 Islamic History: The Middle Period (c.945-1500) 3 0 3 8
HIST 514 Three Gunpowder Empires 3 0 3 8
HIST 515 History of the Modern Middle East (to the 1920s) 3 0 3 8
HIST 516 History of the Contemporary Middle East (from the 1920s) 3 0 3 8
HIST 517 Judaism and Christianity 3 0 3 8
HIST 519 Mediterranean Cities 3 0 3 8
HIST 520 Construction and Formation of Europe 3 0 3 8
HIST 521 Medieval Anatolia 3 0 3 8
HIST 523 Introduction to the History of Byzantium (400-1453) 3 0 3 8
HIST 526 Social and Economic History of the Middle Ages 3 0 3 8
HIST 528 Balkans and the Ottoman Empire 3 0 3 8
HIST 530 Nations and Borders in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasia 3 0 3 8
HIST 531 History of Ottoman Institutions 3 0 3 8
HIST 532 History of Ottoman Political Thought 3 0 3 8
HIST 533 Religion in the Ottoman Empire 3 0 3 8
HIST 536 History of a City II: Ottoman Istanbul, 1450-1900 3 0 3 8
HIST 537 History of Education in Islam 3 0 3 8
HIST 538 Introduction to Islamic and Ottoman Material Culture 3 0 3 8
HIST 539 Reading Evliya Çelebi 3 0 3 8
HIST 541 Ottoman History I, (1300-1600) 3 0 3 8
HIST 542 Frontier Societies and Early Ottoman Polity 3 0 3 8
HIST 551 Ottoman History II, (1600-1800) 3 0 3 8
HIST 561 Ottoman History III, (1789-1908) 3 0 3 8
HIST 562 Modernization and Reform in the Ottoman Empire 3 0 3 8
HIST 563 Eastern Question 1768-1923 3 0 3 8
HIST 564 Nationalist Projects in Southeastern European History 3 0 3 8
HIST 571 From “Far Asia” to the Mediterranean: Turkish History, Turkey’s History 3 0 3 8
HIST 572 From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Nation-State 3 0 3 8
HIST 573 Proto-Fascism in Europe and the Ottoman Empire 3 0 3 8
HIST 574 Sources and Methods for the History of Modern Turkey I (1908-1950) 3 0 3 8
HIST 575 Sources and Methods for the History of Modern Turkey II (1945-2002) 3 0 3 8
HIST 579 Minority Problems in Modern Turkey 3 0 3 8
HIST 581 Environmental History 3 0 3 8
HIST 587 Revolution in History 3 0 3 8
HIST 591 History of Russia I: Tsarist period (17th Century to 1914/17) 3 0 3 8
HIST 593 Historical Marxism I: (19th Century Socialism) 3 0 3 8
HIST 594 Historical Marxism II: Communism and Afterwards 3 0 3 8
1) To graduate from the History (English) (Thesis) Master of Arts Program, 27 credits in total and 10 courses having 130 ECTS, which includes nine courses and one seminar course, must be taken. Four of these courses are compulsory, and six of them are elective.
2) On our website, you can get more information about the language courses offered under the Multilingualism Policy.


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