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MA in Turkish Studies (in English)

The Turkish Studies MA Program (MATS for short) was the first master’s program that was launched by the History Department. It started admitting students in Fall 2017, and has continued to this day. As the name implies, it is not a History program, narrowly defined, but an interdisciplinary program, receiving strong support from the Political Science and International Relations, Sociology and Economics departments, and also containing a lot of History. It has two versions: with thesis and without thesis. In both cases, its purpose is to attract three kinds of applicants, though the MATS without thesis is likely to prove more attractive for the first two groups (a and b) over the coming years:

(a) A certain group of international students, possibly but not only from the West, who would like to acquire a degree of academically grounded familiarity with Turkey’s history, economy, politics and culture, and who on that basis are likely to look for employment in or about Turkey, perhaps in multinational corporations doing business with/in Turkey, or ngo’s working in Turkey, or in the service or education sectors or other lines of work.

(b) Another group of international students, more probably from the West, who are in the process of pursuing PhD’s in Islamic, Middle Eastern, Turkish or Ottoman History, and who by spending two years in Istanbul and IHU can take lots of specialized courses in all these fields, including their relevant research languages, for tuition fees and other living costs that are far lower than in Europe or the US.

(c) Also a group of academically oriented Turkish students who are not sure about which PhD to pursue, and who would therefore like some more time to explore History (including extra time for languages and more in depth readings) as well as neighboring disciplines in the Social Sciences.

Head of The Department:

Purposes of the Program:

To meet these various needs and also to maintain a high degree of flexibility, the two-year Turkish Studies MA Program (with thesis) incorporates the following elements or equirements:

  • 10 academic courses in all

    4 required courses, to be taken as 2+2 in the first year
    HIST 572 POLS 501
    ECON 546 SOC 508

    6 electives, which can be taken from the HIST, POLS, ECON or SOC departmental course pools, provided they are strongly related to Turkey

  • in addition, two YÖK-required seminars, also to be taken in the first year
    TS 500 TS 501plus an MA thesis of around 70 pages (as a rough guideline), to be researched and written, in the framework of TS 599, over the second year of the program

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