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MA in Clinical Psychology (in 30% English)

Why Clinical Psychology at Ibn Haldun University?

Ibn Haldun University offers the following opportunities to clinical psychology graduate program students:

Ibn Haldun Psychotherapy Research and Application Center: The most vital aspect of the Ibn Haldun Clinical Psychology master’s program is its body's psychotherapy center which provides public service. Our students have many opportunities in this clinic, such as doing their clinical internship within the program, getting counseling from experienced supervisors with many years in the field, and watching therapy interviews. In addition, our center is an active learning area with seminars and psychology training organized within the center.

International and Strong Academic Staff: Our students can learn from competent people who have combined the clinical practice and academy within the program's scope and benefit from their experiences.

Learning Different Psychotherapy Approaches: In addition to receiving training focused on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the program's students also receive training on different psychotherapy approaches, such as Clinical Positive Psychotherapy and Narrative Therapy.

Head of Department:

Assist. Prof. Taha Burak Toprak

The Scope of the Program:

The information and skills are enumerated as follows: Information on psychopathology and non-pathological infliction cases; developmental psychology of children, adolescents, young adults, middle-aged and elderly; therapeutic information and intervention skills, which are mainly eclectic and cover such approaches as CBT, trauma intervention, the narrative approach, positive psychotherapy; the skills of clinical assessment within a frame of enriched supervised clinical experience.

Targeted Student Population:

The program is convenient for those willing to work in private or public clinical and non-clinical settings with mental health problems, including psychopathology and daily stresses and tensions. Alternatively, it is suitable to deepen their expertise for academic purposes.

Visit the curriculum page.

Course Contents

PSY 500E Seminar

In this module, the necessary topics are covered for students to acquire the knowledge and skills that will form the scientific and technical infrastructure they will need for their graduation thesis. In addition, the necessary environment and support are provided for students to determine their thesis topics, search the literature, and plan the idea in detail.

PSY 501E Research Methods and Ethics in Clinical Psychology

In this module, students will learn more about experimental and semi-experimental methods' assumptions, principles, and applications and their analyses with further parametric tests, including multivariate variables, structural equational modeling, and two-way ANOVA. Students will examine the ethical principles observed in clinical applications of psychology, focusing on the codes of ethics put forward by associations such as APA, EFPA, and TPD. These are shown in clinical practice with concrete examples. The values of local people are integrated into the discussions.

PSY 508E Statistics in Clinical Psychology

In this module, students will be able to learn how to analyze descriptive and inferential statistics at advanced levels.

PSY 521E Advanced Psychopathology

In this module, students will study specifically the history, classification, causes, and treatment of psychological disorders. They will critically examine the dispositions and contributions of psychological, biological, and socio-cultural factors to the expression of psychopathology across the lifespan. The unit considers the historical context of psychopathology and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) before considering in detail anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, eating disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders, personality disorders, and cognitive disorders. Ethical and legal issues relevant to the provision of mental health services within the Turkish health system will be considered.

PSY 531E Clinical Interview and Counselling Skills

In this module, students learn about helping to start from how to encounter clients/patients. It includes creating convenient therapeutic environments or conditions. In addition, they know how to define client problems and apply the skills of restatement, paraphrasing, summary, active listening, high empathy, asking various questions, deal with transference and countertransference. The skills taught in the module are not theory bounded but cover generic core skills in a clinical setting.

PSY 535E Clinical Practice and Supervision I

In this module, students will apply their theoretical knowledge and interview skills in the real world under the supervision of lecturers. The application will include therapeutic interviews and assessments. The lecturer assesses these.

PSY 536E Clinical Practice and Supervision II

In this module, students will apply their theoretical knowledge and interview skills in the real world under the supervision of lecturers. The application will include therapeutic interviews and assessments. The lecturer assesses these.

PSY 542E Biological Treatments of Psychopathology

In this study, students will revisit their information on the biology of psychopathologies and their treatment by pharmacological interventions. In addition, they learn the effects of the drugs and the process of how these drugs operate in the biology of the patients.


PSY 511E Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapy I

Students will be learning about the theoretical underpinnings of CBT and its applications starting from the beginning stage, problem definition, restriction, exposure, and other relevant techniques and strategies used in this tradition.

PSY 512E Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapy II

This module will continue model I of the CBT above. However, in this module, more case studies, applications, and supervisions and less theoretical information will occur.

PSY 518E Advanced Theories of Psychotherapy

Students in this module mainly used theories of psychotherapy, their histories, and distinguished principles and methods of application in depth. In this regard, the human perceptions of these theories, thinking models, and implications will be critically evaluated.

PSY 520E Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents

In this module, students learn about the world of gifted children and children with developmental problems and their assessment in a clinical setting. They also learn how to handle childhood problems in therapy using the CBT approach.

PSY 523E Group Therapy

In this module, students learn about the nature, principles, and approaches to group therapy and focus on a commonly used format. They also learn about group dynamics and how to conduct such group therapy in their clinical career.

PSY 524E Psychopathology of Children and Adolescents

Students learn in this module about psychopathologies and their aetiologies specific to the periods of childhood and adolescence. They also learn about the assessment tools, their applications, and the therapy methods widely used.

PSY 525E Clinical Positive Psychotherapy

In this module, students study the main arguments of the movement of positive psychology and their approaches to mental health. Main theories such as learned helplessness and psychological well-being are studied and are integrated into the clinical practice.

PSY 526E Play Therapy

Students learn how to conduct play therapy in the treatment of childhood behavior problems.

PSY 528E Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In this module, students will learn about concepts and the principles of the psychodynamic approach in therapy and be able to utilize them in the process of treatment with patients and clients.

PSY 529E Acceptance and Commitment Psychotherapy

The history of Acceptance and Commitment therapy, its basic concepts, its approach to therapy, and the method it follows in treatment are explained.

PSY 530E Narrative Therapy

The history of narrative therapy, its basic concepts, its approach to people and pathology, and how it is applied to specific issues such as trauma-family are taught.

PSY 533E Psychological Measurement and Assessment

In this study, students learn about the application of clinical interviews and subsequent assessment of the cases in the light of the communication with patients. In addition, they learn about the tools, their applications, and interpretations of the data gathered.

PSY 534E Psychological Assessment in Children and Adolescents

In this module, students learn the nature of the widely used tests in the area of childhood and adolescent psychology and assess data gathered from this group of patients in clinical settings for the aim of treatment.

PSY 538E Clinical Practice and Supervision III

In this module, students will apply their theoretical knowledge and interview skills in the real world under the supervision of lecturers. The application will include therapeutic interviews and assessments. These are assessed by the lecturer.

PSY 540E Psychotherapy and Culture

In this module, students learn the interactions between contextual cultural parameters and the application of psychotherapy. They also discuss the culture-specific disorders or cultural contributors to the psychopathologies and their role in the process of treatment.

PSY 543E Sexual Disorders and Treatment

In this module, students learn about the nature of sexuality, sexual orientations, and sexual psychopathologies preventing satisfaction in close relations. They also learn about therapeutic interventions and strategies in this respect

PSY 545E Addictions and Their Treatment

In this module, students will learn about the nature of addiction, how it occurs, what drugs cause addiction, and their effects on thinking, emotion, and behavior. They also learn about the methods of treatment of drug addictions.

PSY 546E Couple Therapies

In this module, students learn to work with problems in couple or family relations using specific techniques for the population

PSY 547E Family Therapies

This course is aimed to understand the family structure and the conditions that affect the mental health of family members and the relationship patterns between family members. It also includes the historical development of family therapy and different theoretical approaches to family therapy.

PSY 548E Psychological Trauma and Treatment

The psychological effects of trauma and the basic techniques applied in their treatment and their proven effectiveness are taught.

PSY 567E Psychological Well-being and Resilience

In this course, factors and practices that contribute to psychological well-being, the sources of psychological resilience, and applications to develop these resources are discussed. This course aims to develop programs to improve the psychological health of the individual and society.


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