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MA in Management (in Turkish)

Why Management (in Turkish) at Ibn Haldun University?

The recent changes and developments in information technology and international trade over the last couple of decades have dramatically accelerated the pace of globalization. As a result, the world is becoming more dynamic and homogeneous. As a result, distinctions between national markets are fading, and some products will disappear altogether. As a result, participation in global business has begun to shift from a mere ‘option’ to an imperative. Therefore, a change in business orientation is urgently needed on the part of businesses to remain competitive in global markets. To survive, business people need to understand international markets, further develop their skillset and react to changes proactively. To this end, Ibn Haldun University offers an MA Program in Management designed for participants who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of the global business arena's apparent market realities and practices. The program is offered with or without a thesis.

Head of The Department:

Prof. Ümit Hacıoğlu

Apart from the core business and management modules that are common to all other MA Programs, the Program modules are designed to provide participants with the background for a more in-depth examination of the realities and practice of global business and management as well as help students to critically analyze existing research in the discipline and to develop it further. Some of the modules are namely;

  • General Management
  • Organizational Theory and Design
  • Global Business and Marketing
  • Strategic Marketing and Brand Management
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Management and Corporate Finance
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • Management Information Systems

Ibn Haldun University
School of Graduate Studies
Curriculum of Management
Thesis Master Program (Turkish)
I. Yarıyıl
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Yayın Etiği 3 0 3 8
ISL 502 Pazarlama Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 503 Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri 3 0 3 8
ISL … Program Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total 12 32
II. Yarıyıl
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 500 Seminer 3 0 0 3
ISL 504 Yöneticiler İçin Muhasebe ve Finans 3 0 3 8
ISL 506 Stratejik Yönetim 3 0 3 8
ISL … Program Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
ISL … Program Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total 12 35
III. Yarıyıl
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total 0 30
IV. Yarıyıl
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total 0 30
Grand Total 24 127
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 500 Seminer 3 0 0 3
ISL 501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Yayın Etiği 3 0 3 8
ISL 502 Pazarlama Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 503 Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri 3 0 3 8
ISL 504 Yöneticiler İçin Muhasebe ve Finans 3 0 3 8
ISL 506 Stratejik Yönetim 3 0 3 8
Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Theory Practice
ISL 510 Yenilikçilik ve Girişimcilik 3 0 3 8
ISL 512 Üretim ve İşlemler Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 513 Veri Analizi ve Karar Verme 3 0 3 8
ISL 514 İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 515 Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri 3 0 3 8
ISL 519 Tüketici Davranışları 3 0 3 8
ISL 520 Marka İletişimi ve Stratejik Marka Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
ISL 523 Örgütsel Davranış 3 0 3 8
ISL 543 Denetim ve İç Kontrol 3 0 3 8
1)İşletme Tezli Yüksek Lisans programından mezun olmak için toplam 24 kredi ve 127 AKTS’lik sekiz ders ve bir seminer dersi olmak üzere toplamda 9 adet ders alınır. Bunların altı tanesi zorunlu, üç tanesi seçmeli derstir.

Course Contents

ISL 500 Seminar

This course provides a forum for students to discuss and generate ideas on various applied social research issues. Students conduct an in-depth study of a research topic of their choice, discuss issues with experts in the field of research, work in discussion groups, debate and solve problems on selected issues. In the research seminar, the students can integrate their knowledge, skills, and practical experience gained in the program.

ISL 501 Research Methods and Publication Ethics

This course is organized around the research process, where students learn how to formulate a research question and define a research problem, decide upon a research design, assess data collection methods, represent a sampling frame, determine types of data analyses, interpret data appropriately, and prepare a research report. Further, students gain an understanding of the importance of research in the development of communication strategies. An examination of specific methods used for communication research. Each section will focus on a different approach, including focus groups and in-depth interviewing, polling and content analysis, survey research, and online research.

ISL 502 Marketing Management

The module introduces marketing as the principal mechanism for providing choice in free markets. It considers the core philosophy of marketing and lays the foundations for marketing management. It evaluates fundamental marketing precepts, the application of marketing concepts, and elements of marketing management. The module examines these elements within a variety of organizations and contexts. Doing this allows students to assimilate, synthesize and apply key marketing concepts and techniques. The module provides students with a grounding in the discipline and practice of marketing, enabling them to underpin the knowledge required for interacting with marketing in an organizational context or for further study in the marketing domain. The module will include coverage of the following issues: the role of marketing – marketing as a social and managerial system for the provision of choice, a mechanism of exchange, and a means of constructing cultural meaning; marketing philosophies – the evolution of marketing as an academic discipline and its development and application within different organizational forms; the customer-marketing interface – the decision-making process; the influence of social factors, personal factors and marketing interventions on customer behavior; core notions within marketing – branding, the role of segmentation, targeting and positioning, the marketing mix and its elements.

ISL 503 Contemporary Management

This course aims to develop an understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and skills required of individuals (managers and non-managers) in today’s changing organizations by analyzing the characteristics of successful managers and organizations. This process will also develop an awareness of the environmental conditions and pressures facing today’s managers and organizations. Some of the topics covered in this course include as following: management, the environment of leadership, managing decision-making and planning, managing organizational architecture, and working with individuals and groups.

ISL 504 Accounting and Finance for Managers

This course gives managers and executives the information they need to understand essential accounting principles, from vocabulary and financial statements to cash flow and valuation. Covering balance sheets, income statements, reporting measures, and even crucial ratios, this practical course provides a one-stop reference for all aspects of finance and accounting. It will help managers take essential steps toward making informed decisions based on the numbers they face every business day. In addition, the course aims to teach the effective and efficient use of fiscal resources in healthcare institutions. Financial planning, investment decisions, debt and credit management, and techniques of economic analysis in healthcare institutions are also included within the context of the course.

ISL 506 Strategic Management

Strategic management examines how organizations (both for-profit companies and not-for-profit agencies) systematically gain sustainable competitive advantages. To be successful, the organization’s strategy must permeate all departments and functional areas. As such, this course integrates knowledge and skills gained from your studies in the functional areas of business. Drawing on these tools, a general management point of view will be applied – decisions and strategies will be analyzed in light of the total enterprise. By the end of the course, students will be able to: (i) explain the elements of the strategic management process; (ii) analyze industry structure and environmental trends to assess industry potential; (iii) assess a firm’s resources for their potential to generate a competitive advantage; (iv) be knowledgeable about new business models and strategies for the internet economy.


ISL 510 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Students acquire an awareness of entrepreneurial innovation sources, structures, and dynamics. In addition, students will develop individual and group skills for generating innovative ideas and finding ways to apply these ideas to address current issues and problems in different industries and settings. Topics include entrepreneurial thinking, innovation management, opportunity spotting and evaluation, industry and market research, business strategy, business models and business plans, financial forecasting and entrepreneurial finance, pitching to resource providers and negotiating deals, and launching new ventures.

ISL 511 Managerial Economics

This course tries to reveal the role and importance of economic analysis in businesses. In addition, the course aims to explain how to improve the firm's decision-making mechanism by applying the microeconomics principles. To achieve this goal, the following topics will be discussed; demand, production and cost, market structures, price determination, risk and investment budgeting, business decisions, and government policies.

ISL 512 Operations Management

As a primary business function, along with marketing and finance, the operations function provides goods and services directly to the company’s customers. Through models and methods, this course explores how the operations function plays a vital role in achieving a company’s strategic plans and is a significant determinant of a company’s financial performance. The content of the course includes forecasting, design, inventory management, facilities planning, location, and supply chain issues.

ISL 513 Data Analysis and Decision Making

To facilitate the management decision-making process, the course covers the introduction to analytical modeling and statistical inference. A unifying element of the course is the use of computer software to perform various kinds of analysis. Significant topics include decision analysis, statistical inference, regression, linear programming, and simulation. The course also develops the required background material in probability.

ISL 514 Human Resources Management

This course covers topics such as theoretical developments in organizational learning and human resource development; identifying, analyzing, and developing adequate human resources; designing training programs for human resource development in various settings; developing policies and procedures for training from an organizational perspective; methods for conducting a needs assessment, defining training objectives, determining and organizing content, formulating instructional and evaluation strategies.

ISL 515 Management Information Systems

Fundamentals underlying the design, implementation, control, evaluation, and strategic use of modern, computer-based information systems for business data processing, office automation, information reporting, and decision making. EDI, Supply Chain Management, Global Information Systems, Decision Support, Geographic Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Risks, Controls, and Security Measures.

ISL 516 Global Business Management

Globalization and the new economy have created exciting opportunities for managers to leverage resources worldwide. However, these phenomena require managers to deal with enormous complexity in the competitive environment, strategy, and organization. This course will focus on the strategic and organizational issues in managing activities across borders. Some of the topics covered in this module include the Historical evolution of international business, the environment of international trade, political risk analysis, new forms of foreign involvement, global strategic alliances, multinational enterprises, and corporate planning.

ISL 517 Global Marketing

This course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of marketing in a multicultural, multinational environment. Some major topics include global economic, social, cultural, and political backgrounds, market entry strategies, and marketing mix. Emphasis is on the strategic implications of competition in different country markets. In addition, the course provides an approach and framework for identifying and analyzing the critical cultural and environmental uniqueness of any nation or global region.

ISL 518 Multinational Business Strategies

This module considers the impact of internationalization on industry structure and competition within national markets and the influence of national factors on a firm’s potential for competitive advantage in international markets. The module is designed to study the extent and pattern of foreign activities by multinational enterprises (MNEs), the determinants of MNE activity on technology, employment, the balance of payments, and the market structure. Through lectures, seminars, workshops, and case studies, it investigates alternative international strategies and the designs and control systems of MNEs. Particular emphasis is also placed on Western MNEs’ direct investment activity in Turkey.

ISL 519 Consumer Behavior

The need for marketers to understand why consumers act as they do in the marketplace is the crux of this course. Students are equipped with theoretical and conceptual knowledge of consumer behavior, drawing heavily on psychological and sociological viewpoints. This includes the psychology of individual decision-making and choice, patterns of behavior exhibited by aggregate groups of consumers, and also the sociological and cultural influences on consumer attitudes and behavior. The course prepares students to make informed decisions about managing and responding to consumers' needs and wants. The course comprises consumer-oriented culture in marketing, the importance of consumer behavior in marketing, developing consumer satisfaction and loyalty, the concept of consumption, consumer purchase behavior, and decision patterns.

ISL 520 Brand Communication and Strategic Brand Management

This course stresses the importance of the role of the brand in integrated marketing communication strategies. Students will learn why brands are important, what they represent to consumers, and what organizations should do to manage them properly. In addition, students will learn how brand equity can be created, how to measure brand equity, and how to use brand equity to expand global business opportunities. Students will learn through exams, brand simulation, readings, and class discussions.

ISL 521 Supply Chain and Logistics Management

Logistics Management is an exciting course that promises to invigorate supply chain management courses by examining traditional logistics issues within the supply chain context. This course provides a solid foundation that clearly describes the role of logistics within the supply chain, portraying a complete view of the subject and going further to show how all the pieces fit together.

ISL 522 Business Process Analysis

This course is designed to familiarize the students with business process analysis fundamentals. Business processes are everywhere in enterprises and cross many functional departments. Although the concept of business processes is deceptively simple, the complexity lies in the details and myriad of different ways companies structure these processes. After looking at the business process analysis concepts initially, the primary emphasis of the course will be on how the underlying information technology supports the management of business process innovation.

ISL 523 Organizational Behavior

This course approaches understanding the behavior of human beings in an organization. It starts with the level of the individual, including personality, emotions, perception, and decision-making. The next level deals with groups and teams involving communication, power and politics, group behavior, and decision-making. The last level of organizational behavior discusses organizational culture, leadership, conflicts and negotiation, and change.

ISL 524 Metropolitan Governments

The course will discuss metropolitan urbanization, metropolitan management problems, and models in different countries. Turkey's metro experience and the system will also be examined by focusing on practical examples and success factors.

ISL 525 Financing in Entrepreneurship

This course aims to develop the theoretical and practical skills of participants in the field of financing in entrepreneurship. The course conveys local and global successful practices to participants. It also provides venture capital, risk capital, and angel investment information. The course also covers the determinants of money in entrepreneurship, cost analysis of business and investment projects, location selection, optimum production parameters, and financing model alternatives through practical examples.

ISL 527 Data Analytics and Innovative Marketing

Changes in customer needs and expectations and increases in competition bring new perspectives and lead to data-driven models in marketing. This course aims to enable participants to gain knowledge and skills about marketing principles, data analytics, new approaches in marketing, and marketing-based data analytics. The course will mainly cover the following topics: marketing concepts, data mining and text mining, data analytics, customer analytics, marketing models (segmentation, promotion, lost customer analysis, up and cross-selling models), Customer Relationship Management, digital marketing, and social marketing.

ISL 528 Communication and Public Relations in Local Governments

This course will focus on communication between individuals and local administration. The course will also examine the purpose, philosophy, and organizational structure of public relations, target audiences in public relations, the public relations-advertising-propaganda relationship, and the association between public relations and written and visual media.

ISL529 Financing Methods and Asset Management

This course provides an overview of the assets that the entity needs and the ways by which the entity may finance these assets. It also discusses the most efficient ways companies manage their assets to increase firm value and competitiveness in the marketplace.

ISL 530 Strategic Leadership and Communication Skills in Local Governments

This course discusses the dynamics of strategic leadership and communication in the strategic processes of local governments. It also throws light on how to improve the communication skills of local managers and remove barriers to contact to be successful in local management.

ISL 531 Negotiation Methods

This course will examine the processes of negotiation, decision-making, conflict management, and resolution. In this context, different decision-making techniques, creative problem-solving tools, verbal-non-verbal communication, reconciliation, and mediation will be covered by using practical case studies.

ISL 532 Cultural Policies and Local Governments

This course will discuss the role of local governments in the development of cultural policies and the potential relationship that should be established between local governments and public and non-governmental organizations.

ISL 533 Budgeting in Local Governments

The course will discuss how to make budgeting in local governments a financial management tool in strategic planning and control processes. In this context, the course will examine the stages in budgeting processes, their impact on the sustainability of local governments, and the importance of stakeholders’ participation in the budgeting process.

ISL 534 Corporate Governance and Sustainability

This course aims to provide a general outlook on corporate governance principles and the implementation of governance principles in different enterprises and industries. It also discusses the three pillars of sustainability, including environmental, social, and governance parameters in a business environment. The course gives many examples from local and international companies in this frame.

ISL 535 Project Management

This course covers the following topics: project management principles, project types, selection of strategic projects, the role of the project manager, the stages and activities of project management, project cost and capital budgeting, project scheduling, and follow-up processes.

ISL 536 Money-Capital Markets and Institutions

This course aims to provide the participants with basic knowledge about capital markets and capital market institutions and their operations, together with the skills to conduct research on and analyze the developments in this realm. In this context, subjects such as stock market business in the World and Turkey, different capital market instruments, trading and pricing in capital markets, indexation and indices analyses, and the regulation and supervision of capital markets will be covered. In addition, the roles of various global and domestic capital market institutions and the role of capital markets in the national economy will be discussed.

ISL 537 Financial Statements Analysis

This course covers how to read and use financial statements, financial analysis techniques, the limitations of accounting information given in financial opinions and the conclusions that can be drawn from this information, and the effects of the results of the financial statements on the valuation of the company. It also delivers the importance of the footnotes of the financial statements, how to make projections using the financial statements and the effect of this on the way of doing business, and the parameters of the economic analysis for listed companies.

ISL 538 Globalization and International Financial Markets

The course aims to introduce the participants to critical issues related to the international financial markets, which have become much more integrated due to the globalization process, and to develop the skills of the participants to understand and interpret the behavior of financial institutions and the operation of global markets within the framework of modern finance theory. The content of the course includes topics such as the structure and functioning of equity, bond markets, and foreign exchange markets. It also focuses on specific issues, including raising capital in domestic and international equity and bond markets, project finance, and the microstructure of major financial markets. In addition, the course will cover the impact of globalization on markets, asset allocation, and the real economy. The theoretical framework will be supported by empirical evidence and analysis of real-world financial instruments and policy issues.

ISL 539 Derivative Markets

The course delivers the concepts and models underlying the analysis and pricing of financial derivatives. The study's main aim is to provide the participants with essential skills to understand the operation of derivative products and markets and to teach them how to use these products for different purposes. During the course, particular emphasis will be given to the derivative products most commonly traded in World markets. However, the system's content includes basic properties of forwards, futures, options contracts, and various product strategies that might be developed using those derivatives contracts. In addition, topics such as the Black and Scholes Model, The Binomial Model, Arbitrage and Risk-Neutral Pricing, Greeks and Hedging Schemes, American Options, Exotic Options, Structured Products, and Historical and Implied Volatility will be covered.

ISL 540 Risk Management in Financial Institutions 

This course will examine how businesses assess, control, and transfer risk. The goal is to engage the participants in actively discovering risk management principles. Students will be prepared to function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing a risk management program. The risk management process involves the identification of risks and associated potential costs, analysis of the causes of financial loss, determination of various strategies to treat risk, selection of methods appropriate to the goals and objectives of the business, implementation of the selected plans, management, and monitoring of results.

ISL 541 Alternative Finance Channels

This course covers alternative financial intermediation systems, which are defined as non-bank and other than basic capital market instruments. In this context, financing types such as microfinance, angel investments, venture capital, private equity, crowdfunding, and Islamic finance instruments like Mudharabah / Musharakah that can be used for financing entrepreneurs will be covered by referring to some fundamental practices. In addition, the private Market operating at Borsa Istanbul will also be analyzed as an alternative way of fundraising for start-ups.

ISL 542 Islamic Economics and Finance 

This course is an introduction to understanding Islamic economics and finance. The course aims to teach the main theories and practices of Islamic economics and finance using basic concepts. Starting from the origins and historical background of Islamic Economics and finance to understand the paradigm, this course then examines the Islamic rule system and financial instruments. In the central part of the course, Islamic capital markets and the banking sector are emphasized. This course also focuses on Turkey’s experience and shows how Islamic economics and finance are positioned within the Turkish financial sector.

ISL 543 Auditing and Internal Control

The management process consists of five essential functions: Planning, Organization, execution, Coordination, and Audit & Control. In this course, “Audit and Internal Control,” one of the primary management functions, will be discussed. This course is designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of audit and internal control, one of the critical components and safety valves of corporate governance, good governance, and enterprise risk management processes. In the course scope, the fundamentals and essential topics related to audit and internal control in the course plan below will be discussed comparatively from time to time with the accounting and internal audit processes. They will be examined in a theoretical/practical and interactive manner in the light of enterprise risk management, top corporate company perspective, and the latest approaches in the world. In addition to the critical issues related to internal control, the newest version of the COSO integrated internal control approach, which is the gold standard for most institutional enterprises, will be examined. Furthermore, in addition to the essential topics covered in the course, students will be aware of the following multiple benefits and added values that the audit and internal control function provide to businesses from a corporate governance perspective: (Enabling Corporate Governance and Corporate Risk Management, Reducing Risks, Compliance with Laws and Regulations, Reliable / Accurate Financial Reporting, Efficient and Effective Conduct of Activities, Achieving Business Goals and Objectives, Ensuring Business Continuity / Sustainability and Accountability, Ensuring Process Control / Efficiency, Improving Internal / External Communication, Development, and Growth of business, Increasing Institutionalization Level, Increasing Company Image and Competitiveness, etc.)

ISL 545 Applied Business Strategies

In this course, internal and external environmental analysis of enterprises within the scope of competition theory, Competitive issues such as strategic planning and implementation, and strategic control will be examined in practice.


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