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MA in Radio, Television and Cinema (Turkish)

Why Radio, Television, and Cinema at Ibn Haldun University?

Ibn Haldun University is founded on being a research university. For this reason, it has adopted a graduate-oriented and research-oriented approach to education. Achieving these basic goals of our university and providing academic contributions to the field of media studies is the primary aim of the master’s program in Radio, Television, and Cinema. Moreover, as in many parts of the world with the proliferation of the internet and digital technology in recent years, interest in the media and communications industry has also significantly increased in Turkey. In this regard, Ibn Haldun University, Radio, Television, and Cinema master’s program has set as a priority the transfer of the historical background of our country to future generations with the language of short films, TV programs, cinema, and documentary films. In brief, this program will safely prepare its students for the future with its intellectual as well as practical possibilities.

Head of The Department:

Assist. Prof. Kübra Kulaklıkaya

About The Program:

The Radio, Television, and Cinema master's program, which is located at the intersection of social sciences, is a visionary program where both theoretical and practical courses take place. Many other courses, such as Media Studies, Film Analysis, Presentation Skills, Script Writing, and Techniques, point to both theoretical and practical aspects of the program. To complete this characteristic of the Radio, Television, and Cinema program, students will be able to present their short films, documentary films, etc. projects as a capstone project besides their master’s thesis.

Values Provided With Graduation:

Graduates of the Radio, Television, and Cinema graduate program will be able to demonstrate a strong presence both in their academic life and in the sector with their double-sided acquisition. In this regard, the program will contribute to meeting the need for qualified faculty members in Communication Schools, which have been increasing in number in our country in recent years. It will also provide professionals with the qualifications and competencies needed by the press, TV, cinema, and documentary industries.

I. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 501 Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Akademik Etik 3 0 3 8
RTS 517 Film Kuramları 3 0 3 8
RTS… Program Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
RTS…/… Program Seçmeli/Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 12 32
II. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 500 Seminer 3 0 0 8
RTS 526 Film Analizi 3 0 3 8
RTS… Program Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
RTS…/… Program Seçmeli/Genel Seçmeli 3 0 3 8
Total Credit 9 32
III. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
IV. Semester
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 599 Yüksek Lisans Tezi 0 0 0 30
Total Credit 0 30
Overall Total Credit 21 124
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 500 Seminer 3 0 0 8
RTS 501 Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Akademik Etik 3 0 3 8
RTS 517 Film Kuramları 3 0 3 8
RTS 526 Film Analizi 3 0 3 8
Course Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
RTS 504 İktidar, İdeoloji ve Medya 3 0 3 8
RTS 507 Yeni Medya ve Toplumsal Hareketler 3 0 3 8
RTS 509 İletişim Sosyolojisi 3 0 3 8
RTS 510 Kısa Film Yapımı 3 0 3 8
RTS 511 Toplumsal Değişim ve Medya 3 0 3 8
RTS 512 Belgesel Film Yapımı 3 0 3 8
RTS 513 Medya Etiği 3 0 3 8
RTS 514 Radyo Televizyon Yayıncılığı 3 0 3 8
RTS 516 TV Programcılığı 3 0 3 8
RTS 518 Türk Sineması 3 0 3 8
RTS 520 Medya Siyaset İlişkisi 3 0 3 8
RTS 521 Spikerlik ve Sunuculuk 3 0 3 8
RTS 522 Bağımsız Sinema 3 0 3 8
RTS 523 Senaryo ve Yazım Teknikleri 3 0 3 8
RTS 524 Medya Tüketim ve Gençlik 3 0 3 8
RTS 525 Medyanın Toplumsal ve Kültürel Tarihi 3 0 3 8
RTS 527 Sinemada Görüntü Yönetimi 3 0 3 8
RTS 528 Belgesel Film 3 0 3 8
RTS 529 Dünya Sinema Tarihi 3 0 3 8
RTS 530 Televizyon Kültürü 3 0 3 8
RTS 531 Televizyon Haberciliği 3 0 3 8
RTS 532 Yeni Medya ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar 3 0 3 8
RTS 533 Sinemada Gündelik Hayat 3 0 3 8
RTS 534 Osmanlı Modernleşmesi ve Sinema 3 0 3 8
RTS 535 Sosyal Medya ve Göç 3 0 3 8
RTS 536 Stüdyo ve Reji Uygulamaları I 3 0 3 8
RTS 537 Stüdyo ve Reji Uygulamaları II 3 0 3 8
RTS 539 Dijital Hikâye Anlatıcılığı 3 0 3 8

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